By The Stream

Posted on: August 10th, 2013 by
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The Stream 1Looking across Dafydd’s Californian poppy herb bed and the stream, with the bench just visible on the opposite bank beneath the big old gorse bush. The carving of the Owl stands guard to one side of the path.

The Stream 2

The Salmon of Wisdom stands at the other side of the path, near the steps down to the stream. In the background is our neighbouring hill, one of several low peaks which shelter us from the winds that blow in across the sea. It is easy to walk to the top and gives a fantastic view of the ocean on one side and the spread of the Llyn Peninsula on the other. Note that the balsam is in full flower, but is more valued now that we have our first colony of bees!

The Stream 3

The steps down the the stream, with moley’s little offering of tunnelled soil in evidence to the right of the bottom step!


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