A few days ago, I was made aware of a truly ingenious idea to help provide reliable off-grid lighting to developing countries where power, batteries, paraffin, etc., may not be available. This idea is for a small electric lamp, but the power source is really ingenious. The idea started when a London based design concern was asked to design a low-cost solar lamp for developing countries. There is only one problem with that idea. Rechargeable batteries are expensive, so are solar panels, what’s more they’re fragile. Not the best thing to make for people who have budgets of a dollar a day and where the nearest shop is days away.
The idea the designers came up with is based on a similar mechanism to a cuckoo-clock. A small sack is filled with rocks or earth and hoisted up. The bag pulls a rope through a clockwork mechanism generating a small amount of power which powers the lamp, and can also charge torches, phones, or run a radio.
As a technologist, I can really see the merit of this. I think it’s a great idea, and certainly good for the environment. It is free of expensive components and worse, chemicals such as those found in a battery (the components will probably be quite inert) so if it’s thrown away in the jungle, it won’t do much harm.
However, this isn’t in production yet: the designers need funding to produce trial units and supply them to villagers for trial. You can donate a little money here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/282006 the link also holds a fascinating little video of the prototype in use with further explanation as to why this is a good idea.
As soon as we can get our hands on one, we will have on of these for Cae Non… It would be ideal in our loo tent!
Tags: alternative technology, light, off-grid